We are directly involved in the process

   With 10 years industry experience, Ashley Maddison is the creative founder of AM Interior Studio and has experience within the residential and commercial sector. With a degree and diploma in Interior Design, she has worked with Architects, builders and kitchen designers, designing and managing projects from boutique commercial office fitouts to high end luxury homes.

   AM Interior Studio provide fully resolved interior and styling solutions and no matter the size of the project, in all stages of the design there is a high level of detail and functionality.

Our Approach to Fixing Your Broken Springs

 ​You might wonder what sets Ben's Garage Doors apart from others offering similar services? Well, besides our dashing charm—we’re sticklers for quality workmanship and use only industry-approved methods according to DASMA standards. That means no shortcuts because safety never takes the back seat at our shop.We'll examine each component thoroughly before suggesting replacements because sometimes life gives you lemons—or partially damaged hardware that doesn’t necessarily need tossing out yet. If replacement is indeed necessary though rest assured we stock top-tier materials ready at hand ensuring durability isn't compromised post-repair either way.With a bit of know-how and regular care, you can keep your garage door springs in top shape. Just remember to regularly check for wear and tear, lubricate the moving parts, and don't hesitate to call a pro if things seem off. By staying on top of maintenance, you'll help ensure that your garage door operates smoothly for years to come.

Set Up Your Appointment With Us Today!

Ben's Garage Doors Inc.
(973) 358-7564